Best Travel Budget and Living Expenses
Traveling is a hobby that anyone who is not rolling in money struggles to enjoy. Saving money while traveling is quite easy. There are many points along the way where one should cut small costs that will make all the difference. These include airfare, car rentals, food, accommodation and activity fees. Traveling on a budget is not only easy but it can be quite fun as well. Here are a few tips that can help you have more spare change in your pocket as you travel:
Plan in advance
Dates: Whenever possible try to travel during off peak seasons which are least busy e.g. school holidays. This ensures you get the best travel budget since you will save big on both accommodation and travel.
Start shopping online for your tickets at least two months. Many airlines offer discounts if you book early. Visit discount websites, though they charge a small discount fee, they save you a good amount of on your travel budget. Promo codes from websites like Travelocity also knock off a good amount from your ticket price.
Do not carry any unnecessary baggage. Airlines charge a fortune for extra baggage, limiting yourself to a maximum of two bags will save you plenty. To reduce luggage buy economy size utilities and buy some items like clothing at your destination.
Aim for connecting flights especially when traveling alone and light. Direct flights though time saving cost much more than connecting flights. To save even more, have a discount website book your connecting flights for you. They compare and combine flight segments from different airlines to hook you up with the best deal for your air travel budget.
Round trip tickets in some cases are way cheaper than a one way ticket. Save money by buying a round trip ticketing without getting on the return flight.
Take advantage of connecting flights to add to the number of countries you visit without extra charge. Instead of changing planes right away talk the airport officials. Look into the pricing of the flights and find out if you can stay a while at the country of plane change. Airlines often let you do this without a hike in prices.
Other transportation
Whenever possible use public transport instead of taxis. Buses and subways are extremely cheap.
Traveling on night trains and flights saves you money on accommodation. It also saves time since you arrive at your destination during the day.
Consider the exchange rate when choosing your travel destination, it makes all the difference. Traveling to a country with a favorable exchange rate saves you money by the buckets.
Check the internet for the best deals on currency exchange. Do not accept to meet a stranger for currency exchange as this is not safe even in a public place. Most exchange bureaus do not offer a good deal.
Living expenses account for a huge chunk of the travel budget but they can be cut drastically through a few steps.
Hotels offer great deals for early bookings but there are other ways to save on living expenses at a hotel. Instead of getting two separate rooms at hotels, go for the two bedroom suites provided in some hotels. This is cheaper and accords as much privacy as individual rooms.
Airbnb offers great homes where one can stay for a limited or extended period of time at a great price. Home exchanges are also popular in Europe.
Vacation homes or cottages offer more space and facilities. The added advantage being they are much cheaper than hotel rooms.
Opt for smaller towns or stay on the outskirts of big cities. Hotels in such locations will save you a lot of money on living expenses. You might also meet people who will help you navigate the town with more ease and using less money.
Avoid paying for hotel breakfasts since they cost a small fortune. Instead get an early start and look for a local café. If you do pay for hotel breakfast carry a few items that travel well for the day for example apples.
Plan your meals before meal time to get good food and save a tone on it. Ask locals or the hotel staff the best local joints.
Cook you own food if you are staying at a cottage or vacation home. This cuts yours living expenses massively compared to the alternative of dining out.
Many airports have duty free shops that offer a variety of cheap goods. Take advantage and buy whatever you need at these shops to cut down your living expenses.
Some countries allow tourists to get some or all of your retail tax back. Thought there are forms to be filled it will save you a considerable amount on large purchases.
Buy the local brands instead of those you are accustomed to. This will save you money and widen your palate by trying locally produced items.

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